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Gutsy Gal of the Week ~ Dawn Baron Ferrentino, Owner @ Living Healthy Naturally – Transform Your Body And Mind
By Roe Couture DeSaro
I met this weeks recipient about a year ago. Each and every time I’m in her presence, she impresses me more & more. She reached a solid mid-6 figures in just a few years after stepping out of her comfort zone to go from accountant to transformation coach. What I love about Dawn is her authenticity & determination, she does not try to fit the mold. She is like the mild mannered reporter (Superman). On the outside quiet but inside Strong & Gutsy because she is a Women on a Mission! And she takes her weight lifting serious, so how could I not like her!
It is my honor to introduce Dawn Ferrentino who I now call my friend…
Can you tell me about a little bit about YOU?

Before and After
My name is Dawn Ferrentino and I am an entrepreneur. I am married and am a mom of two boys, Vinnie and Rocco, ages 18 and 16. I own my own home based business in the nutrition field after 27 years of working as an accountant. I retired in March 2014 to pursue a dream of transforming people both physically and financially. I consider myself a “transformation coach”. I assist hundreds of people on achieving their health goals, whether weight loss, energy and performance, healthy aging, or overall health improvement. I also assist hundreds on creating an additional stream of income to live a life they chose to design. I specialize in helping others live a life of physical and time freedom.
What makes you a Gutsy Gal?

6 Figures Baby!
I consider myself a Gutsy Gal because two years ago I was introduced to an opportunity to better my health and create an additional stream of income at the same time. I worked two jobs and traveled all over the country with my kids so creating additional income was not in my time schedule to do. I chose to improve my health, as it was slowly declining but said no to the business opportunity. One day I decided to take a better look and when I committed to the decision to jump in with both feet, nothing was going to stop me. Let me explain to you a little bit about me though… I am extremely shy, worked as an accountant for 27 years, and didn’t have much “guts” to me at all. I have stepped so far out of my comfort zone by allowing myself to realize the potential I have to change and transform lives. I now speak in front of thousands of people by coaching, mentoring, and training. I went to a company breakthrough event last month. We were all given a piece of wood, very thick I may add, and was told to break the piece of wood. Two years ago, I would have ran out of the room in fear. I stood tall, converted my mind set, and broke that board right in half! I am spending a weekend with Tony Robbins and one exercise is to walk across fire. When your mind believes you can achieve you can. I am a Gutsy Gal and so proud of it! Doing things I could never imagine or dream of and now helping so many others do the same is priceless.
In your experience, How does it feel to be Gutsy?
It feels AMAZING to be a Gutsy Gal! To know I have held myself back for so many years from living life to it’s fullest potential puts the drive in me to be gutsier each and every day. Don’t let life rule you. Don’t let life dictate the path you take. You take the path and life the life you design.
What would you say is am important thing you’ve learned?
One of the most important things I have learned is it’s never about me. When I first started my business I put myself in the equation too much and wanted everyone to be a part of what I was doing vs. finding a solution I knew I had for them and having them visualize that. Now that I never make it about me or it personally, and I know focus on how I can solve someone’s problem, both my business and my personal development have grown immensely.
Finally, What does BEING A GUTSY GAL mean to you?
Being a Gutsy Gal means putting yourself out there. Doing things you’d never imagine. Living life to it’s fullest and having no fear. Fear is an emotion….. But learning to overcome fear and learning to live in the moment or live in the NOW, is key. Being uncomfortable is where the success lines. Outside that comfort zone. Les Brown has a great quote I use often… “If you do what is easy, life will be hard, if it do what’s hard, life will be easy”. Get out there and make it happen. We all have a gift inside of us. A passion. A burning desire! Find yours, grab it and make it happen!!!